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Denaro con croce

IndiceMonete feudaliÎle-de-FranceMeaux (città)
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Denaro con croce (Moneta)
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Legend: + GRATIA DI REX (vedi note) Legend: + MELDIS CIVITAS (vedi note)
Monogramma "Carlo" Croce
Nominal: 1 Denaro
Material: Ag
Period Cod Mint References Images
undated1  FR-MEX/3-1MeauxPA 5997
undated2  FR-MEX/3-2MeauxPA 5998
undated3  FR-MEX/3-3MeauxPA 5999 
undated4  FR-MEX/3-4MeauxPA 6001 
1 d/: +.GRA.TIA.DI-RE.X - r/: +.MEL.DIS.CI.VI.TAS
2 d/: +.GRATI.A.D.I.R.EX - r/: +.MEL.D.I.S CI.VI.TA.S
3 d/: +.GRA.TIA.DI-RE.X - r/: +.MELDI CIVI.TAS
4 d/: +.GRA.TIA.DI-RE.X - r/: +.MEL.DIS CIVI.TAS

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